June CRAFT Workshops Announced
The Northeast Organic Farming Association of Rhode Island (NOFA/RI) is pleased to announce the first free on-farm workshops in our summer CRAFT Workshop Series.
On Monday, June 13, 5:30 pm, Anna Jane Kocon or Little State Flower Company will host “Little State Flowers Means Business in the Ocean State.” Join Anna at her home at 38 Heaton Orchard Road, West Kingston, RI. Anna Jane Kocon will discuss her experience starting a farm business in Rhode Island. Hear about her search for land and arranging a lease. Learn how Anna markets her flowers Saturdays at the Aquidneck Growers Market in Middletown and how she retains her existing customer base and connects with new customers.
Anna’s and Little State Flower Company raise cut flowers and plants in Portsmouth. Her lease does not support on-farm workshops. Learn more about this farm at http://littlestateflowerco.com.
Young Farmer Nights and will be followed by a potluck supper. Please bring food or beverages to share, as well as your dish, cup and flatware.
This CRAFT Workshop will be co-hosted by

Ben Torpey at Scratch Farm
On June 29, at 5:30, Ben Torpey of Scratch Farm and Small State Seeds will host “Building Soil Fertility on 2 acres with Reduced Tillage, Cover Crops and Mulches.” Little State Farm is located at 35 Pippin Orchard Road in Cranston, RI.
Ben will discuss strategies for building organic matter and reducing weed pressure through undersowing cover crops, mulching with leaves and reducing primary tillage. He will also touch on Scratch’s crop rotation and integrating small-scale seed production into a highly diversified vegetable farm. Learn more about this farm at www.scratchfarm.com.
Young Farmer Nights and will be followed by a potluck supper around a bonfire. Please bring food or beverages to share, as well as your dish, cup and flatware.
This CRAFT Workshop will be co-hosted by
The Northeast Organic Farming Association of Rhode Island (NOFA/RI) and Young Farmer Nights (YFN) of Southeastern New England work together on many events. See the 2016 YFN event schedule at www.youngfarmernetwork.org/young-farmer-nights/#/event-schedule.
At NOFA/RI’s Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training (CRAFT) workshops, experienced commercial farmers share their experiences and best practices with beginning and aspiring farmers, farm workers, apprentices and gardeners. All CRAFT workshops are free to everyone thanks to a generous Farm Viability grant from the RI Department of Environmental Management’s Division of Agriculture seeking to enhance farmers’ ability to grow and market their crops. Registration is not required. View our evolving workshop schedule at https://nofari.org/events/our-events
Young Farmer Nights (YFNs) are bi-weekly social and educational events where local young farmers get together to share ideas, a meal and stories. Each event includes a farm tour, a potluck dinner and other host-inspired activities. In 2013, YFN will expand and include informational workshops. Learn more, join the email list or offer to host an event via email to youngfarmernight@gmail.com.