August On-Farm
On-Farm With Shared Experiences &
Best Practices

Mary Blue of Farmacy Farms
It was perfect weather for an evening on the farm with Mary Blue of Farmacy Farms at a recent NOFA/ RI CRAFT Workshop discussing the in’s & outs of herbal farming. This was one of a series of recent on-farm workshops that NOFA/RI has conducted. The goal of the on-farm workshop experience is to share best practices, increase knowledge & provide guidance to farmers, ranchers & gardeners of all levels. This year topics have been wide ranging from soil fertility to season extension.
NOFA Organic Land Care program celebrating it’s 15th year of training!
4-DAY NOFA Accreditation Course In Organic Land Care
This course is offered three times per year.
August 7, 8, 9, 10 Haverford Township, PA
November 7, 8, 9, 10 Unity, ME
February, To Be Announced
Click here for more information

Earn professional creditials while you learn new organic techniques for landscaping and gardening. Ideal for pros and for conservation buffs, gardeners, consultants, teachers, municipal workers, groundskeepers, and more!
December 3, 2017
Advanced Growers Seminar
NOFA /RI offers Advanced Growers seminars twice per year and are given by farmers sharing their expertise in raising specialty crops, greenhouse management, soil fertility or other topics. The intended audience is farmers, farm workers, apprentices and gardeners. Everyone is welcome.
N O F A/RI Winter Conference March 4, 2018
Currently Accepting Proposals

Jean-Martin Fortier
Winter Conference is our largest educational and fundraising event of the year. Save the date for Sunday March 4, 2018 and a full day of workshops with nationally recognized speakers in organic and sustainable agriculture as well as influential speakers from across Rhode Island and southeast New England.
We are currently accepting proposals for the NOFA/RI 2018 Annual Winter Conference. Your workshop should address some aspect of local, organic production, marketing, policy, and/or hands-on skill. Proposals can be submitted to