Spring Brings Change
Welcome Spring and all the familiar signs that come with warmer weather, lighter days and Winter thaw. This year amid the COVID-19 pandemic, as we adjust our lives to new challenges, it’s especially welcoming to see the renewal that Spring brings.
NOFA/RI will also adjust our programs based on emerging state and federal guidance and will continue to work with our local and regional networks to bring you resources you can use.
As Spring brings new life, we too will find new paths and adjust. With resiliency, creativity and compassion we will get through this together. We extend our thanks to our farmers for keeping our communities fed.

Covid-19 Resources for Farmers
1. RI-DEM has compiled a list of COVID-19 farmer resources from produce safety guidelines to business resources and tax relief. Click here. RI-DEM has postponed the Specialty Crop Grant deadline to April 15th, RI-DEM Farmer’s Market applications have also been extended to April 15th.
The RI DEM Produce Safety Team provides more updates in their newsletter, linked here including the following new factsheets:
COVID-19 GUIDANCE: Farmers’ Markets & On-Farm Markets
COVID-19 GUIDANCE: Farms and On-Farm Deliveries
2. RI Farm Bureau has aggregated links in response to covid-19 – click here.
3. More COVID-19 Resources here.
Covid-19 Resources for Consumers
1. The Rhode Island Food Policy Council (RIFPC)is aggregating information on available food access and food business resources and opportunities. It its updated daily. Click here for the RIFPC COVID-19 Response Resource. RIFPC has also created an Interactive Food Access Map to connect food resources with communities in need.