Events for September 23, 2024 - September 23, 2024
A Midsummer Night’s Crop Walk at Brandon Family Farm
July 7, 2021, 4:30 to 6:30 PM 592 Fairgrounds Road, West Kingston, RI 02892 MAP LOCATION: Take a walk through the fields as we discuss production successes and issues with farmer Alby Brandon, and with Heather Faubert and Andy Radin of URI Cooperative Extension. Register Now! Topics Include: Pest and Disease Management: ID, Prevention using Cultural […]
Farming for Flavor: A tasting night with Julia Sweet & Bill Braun at the Gilded Tomato
The Guilded Tomato 2 Peckham St, Rehoboth, MA, United StatesBill Braun from the Freed Seed Federation will join us to discuss vegetable variety selection and the importance of growers selecting, saving, and breeding crops that are better adapted to their locations than what is available commercially. Bill has championed local MA/RI varieties like the Macomber turnip and local corn varieties like the Rhode […]
NOFA/MA Summer Conference
We’re super sad about missing your grass-stained t-shirts and gritty handshakes for another year but this isn’t stopping us from presenting the best conference education program we can provide and streaming it right into your hands and to your homes!
Please join us and over 45 expert presenters for a virtual NOFA Summer Conference to be held July 30th – August 6th, 2021 via Zoom.
47th NOFA Summer Conference
Together we will celebrate 50 years of Organic Farming and Food advocacy in the Northeast and we will also look towards the next 50 years of our role in changing the landscape of organic agriculture.
Recommendations for the Organic Orchardist and Backyard Grower
Elmwood Orchard 58 Snake Hill Road, North Scituate, RI, United StatesAl and Jean Fuoroli from Elwood Orchard have grown certified organic apples since 2012. Al will discuss and recommend apple varieties that will allow the grower to avoid some of the major apple diseases in southern New England. Also discussed will be how they manage weeds in a perennial planting and insect and disease control. […]
Transitioning from the summer to winter, efficiencies and regenerative agriculture
Little RIver Farm 125 William Reynolds Rd, Exeter, RI, United StatesJoin us at Little River Farm
Growing a Farm to Feed a Restaurant
Matunuck Vegetable Farm 2236 Comd Oliver Hazard Perry Highway, South Kingston, RI, United StatesPerry Ruso, the owner of Matunuck Oyster Bar, will give an introduction about why he started the Matunuch vegetable far and how it has worked out. Tim Cheng, the manager of the farm, will share his expertise and give a tour. The tour will touch on a multitude of subjects ranging from micro green and […]
NOFA Tri-state Bulk Order Deadline
OnlineDo you buy cover crop seed, fertilizers, mineral amendments, compost, potting soil, potato and allium seed? Would you like to save money on those items? If so, the bulk order might be perfect for you. Prior to the spring growing season, NOFA/Mass organizes a bulk order with popular suppliers, for distribution at sites around MA/CT/RI. Take advantage of significant savings through group purchasing power and collective shipping, while helping NOFA support organic practices throughout the region.
2022 Winter Conference
Register Here Join NOFA/RI for our 10th Annual Winter Conference, an all-day virtual event featuring a deep dive into the promises and practices of regenerative agriculture. Regenerative Agriculture claims to offer solutions to our agricultural and land care problems, including soil erosion and depletion, weed and pest abundance, and nutrient supply and availability. Regenerative […]
Composting, Worms & Gardening with Monique Bosch
OnlineComposting, Worms & Gardening with Monique Bosch June 28, 2022 5:00 – 6:00 PM Virtual via Zoom | Wiggle Room, Lafayette St, Bridgeport, CT 06604 Monique Bosch, the owner of Wiggle Room, will give a presentation on the benefits of vermicomposting. The presentation will also compare and contrast other compost practices, and how to know […]