Enjoy Local Produce All Year Long: Food Preservation Workshop

Sejal Lanterman leading Canning & Preserving Workshop

Sejal Lanterman at Canning & Preserving Workshop

Posrponed to Fall, 2016
July 22, 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Sweet Berry Farm
Middletown, RI

Registration required. Learn more and register here.

Whether just picked from your garden, a local Farmers Market or a nearby Farm Stand, seasonal produce is nutritious, colorful and delicious. Learn to safely preserve this magic for year-round family feasts! Discover canning, freezing and drying with Sejal Lanterman and Nicole Richard of the University of Rhode Island’s Food Safety Education Program. Enjoy mouthwatering scents from a canning demonstration with low-sugar peach jam.

For a preview Nicole’s and Sejal’s presentation, see

Sejal & Nicole at Workshop

Sejal & Nicole at Workshop

Come to Sweet Berry Farm early to pick your own peaches and berries. The Farm Stand also offers fresh picked produce, sandwiches and beverages. Learn more and register here.

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