Derek Christiansen

Derek Christiansen

Derek Christiansen of Brix Bounty Farm, Dartmouth, MA gave an Advanced Grower Workshop on October 20, 2013 titled Soil Fertility In Focus – Moving Beyond N, P, K – Meeting the Nutritional Needs of Crops with Minerals, Microbes, & Management

This seminar explored the nutritional needs of different crop families, key minerals needed to support healthy growth and the role of fertility management in achieving optimum yields.

We looked at five crops in depth, covering the fertility needs of each crop, cost and expense considerations and essential management of their growing seasons. Crops included:

  • Beets (chenopods & roots)
  • Onions (alliums & bulbs)
  • Spring Cabbage (brassicas & leaves)
  • Tomatoes (nightshades & fruits)
  • Winter Squash (cucurbits & fruits)

View Derek’s slides and recommendations.

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